Six places music creators can look for money to fund their career today
Where to find FREE funding (no loans needed)
How to use 0% interest credit to pay for projects
Strategies to save money and budget properly for a project
How to make your other talents work for you
And much much more...
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In this eBook, you will learn...
About The Author

Dan "5PiECE" Lombardi
Dan "5PiECE" Lombardi is a Canadian music producer, audio engineer and grant writer based in Toronto. He's been an active member of the Toronto music scene, lending his musical talents and business knowledge to hundreds of artists, producers, engineers, and managers. Through his travels, 5PiECE has successfully won tens of thousands of dollars in grant funding from organizations like FACTOR, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Starter Company. In addition to being a seasoned grant writer, he has worked on music alongside notable talent such as Noah "40" Shebib, MurdaBeatz, !llmind, Sean Paul, MadeinTYO and 24HRS.